General conditions

INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN has opened its website to personally inform all its customers, business partners and media. Your use of this site is subject to compliance with the general conditions of access and use detailed below (General Conditions) as well as compliance with all applicable laws. When you access the site and when you browse and use it, you implicitly and unconditionally accept the General Conditions, which prevail over any other agreement you may have with INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN SRL.

Intellectual property rights

Copyright and/or Rights on Industrial Designs

INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA is considered to be the author of this site. The photos, texts, slogans, drawings, images, sound sequences or not, as well as all works integrated in this site are the property of INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA or of third parties who have authorised INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA to use them.

The models and works presented on this site are protected in accordance with the legal provisions relating to copyright and related rights, as well as the protection of industrial designs.

Reproductions, on paper or digital, of the above site and of the works and models reproduced therein are permitted provided that they are intended for strictly personal use, excluding any use for advertising and / or commercial purposes and / or so as to comply with intellectual property laws.

Except as provided above, any reproduction, presentation, use or partial or complete modification of the site, regardless of the process or the medium, of the various works and models that make it up, without having previously obtained the authorisation of at INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA, is strictly prohibited and constitutes the crime of counterfeiting, which is punishable under applicable law.

Trademark rights

INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA name, INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA logo (coat of arms) and associated products and services are trademarks of INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA.

Other brands are also mentioned; they are theoretically identified by a capital letter. They are used by INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA, either with the authorisation of the owner, or as a simple indication of some products or services proposed by INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA.

Reproduction, imitation, use or application of these marks without prior authorisation from INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA or the respective owners constitutes the crime of counterfeiting which is punishable under the laws in force.

2. Information about products and services

These pages are an overview of the range of INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA products and services distributed in Romania.

INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA reserves the right to modify the information contained in this site on the Internet, especially those relating to technical characteristics and prices, at any time, without notice, taking into account the interactive feature of the site, without changes to assume the responsibility of INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA, of the members of its network or of its employees.

The INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA network is at your disposal for any information, especially regarding the tariffs, the availability of the presented services as well as their latest evolutions.

3. New services

The characteristics of the new services presented on the INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA website are those existing at the time of writing or updating the various pages of the website.

The prices presented are those of the INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA tariff in force.


Placing a hyperlink to the site requires prior written authorisation from INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA. If you want to place a hyperlink to our site, you should therefore contact the site manager INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA. INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA cannot, in any case, be made responsible for the provision of sites that are the subject of a hyperlink starting from the site and is not responsible, in any way, regarding content, products, services, etc. available on or from these sites.

4. Limitation of liability

The user uses the site at his own risk. In no event shall INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA, its subsidiaries or the members of its network, individually or jointly, be liable for direct or indirect damages and in particular for material damage, loss of data or software, financial damage. , resulting from access to or use of this site or all sites linked to it. The content of the site is presented without any guarantee, of any nature.

The information on the services, their characteristics and their prices correspond to a definition at the time of their writing or the updating of the various pages of the site; they are offered for information purposes only and therefore are not and should not be considered as a contractual offer of the products and services offered by INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA, its subsidiaries or its network members. Errors or omissions may occur.

5. Applicable law

These General Conditions are subject to Romanian domestic law. The language of the General Conditions is Romanian. In case of litigation, only the Romanian courts will be considered competent.

5. Updating the general conditions

INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN ROMANIA reserves the right to modify and update at any time the access to the site as well as the General Conditions. These changes and updates are required of the user who must therefore refer regularly to this section to check the General Conditions in force.

In accordance with the New Regulation of the European Union on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR), please give us your consent for the use of cookies for the following purposes: correct operation of the Industry Transilvan platform, measuring the use of the Industry Transilvan platform, advanced functionalities such as recommended products and other types of functionalities that allow us to show you the most suitable offers through different marketing channels.

6. Privacy policy

We make every effort to ensure that we protect and respect the confidentiality of your personal data by implementing the necessary measures provided by applicable data protection rules and regulations, including General Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on data protection ("RGPD").

This chapter aims to inform you about the personal data that we collect from you or that you communicate to us through this website, as well as how we will process this data.

6.1. According to the rules and regulations in force on data protection ("RGPD") - personal data are defined as any information about an identified or identifiable natural person. In principle, it represents personal data, which the TRANSILVAN Company also takes into account: name and surname of the natural person, domicile, email address, CNP, telephone number, customer codes / attribute of the registered account, AWB identification code for delivery the ordered product etc.

6.1.1. Your personal data collected and processed by INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN are: name and surname of the person, address (postal address for delivery), email address, CNP, telephone number, customer identification codes / online identifier, billing data (in case of completing an order), voice, bank information (in case of making a return / payment refund), social media account.

We do not collect or otherwise process sensitive data, as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation (abbreviated RGPD) into special categories of personal data. We also do not want to collect or process data on minors under the age of 18.

6.1.2. Therefore, according to "RGPD" are personal data controllers ("Operators") - (i) The company INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN SRL having the obligation according to national norms and EU Regulation 679/2016 (RGPD) to manage safely and only for the specified purposes, your personal data. This data was collected / processed / etc. in the commercial relationship developed in the past and / or in progress and for which you have validly expressed your consent according to the legislation in force at the time of taking over and collecting personal data!

6.1.3. The company informs that the enumeration within art. 6.1 and the following is purely exemplary and that in relation to the service employed by the client, the subscriber collects only those minimum personal data necessary to fulfill the purposes / activities performed by INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN.

6.2. In the process of operating this website, INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN Company collects certain information ("personal data") regarding individuals identified or who can identify individuals, data provided by users of this website, by voluntarily expressing consent, in directly (eg first name, last name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number) or indirectly (eg IP address, use of UUIDS (unique identifiers provided by social logins).

6.3 The purposes of the processing of personal data provided by a "Member" or a "Transylvanian Client", considered and pursued by the company INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN are the following:

order and return processing;

maintaining the relationship with the contractual partners for accounting purposes;

optimization of marketing activity;;

solving the requests regarding the fulfillment of an order

marketing communications;

account administration within the TRANSILVAN platform;

statistical purposes.

6.4. TRANSILVAN company collects, processes and manages your personal data in accordance with the norms and regulations "RGPD" for the following periods of time: (i) in accordance with the provisions of the civil code on the legal institution of prescription and contractual conditions assumed by accepting terms & conditions, data personal data collected are archived / kept by the Company for a period of 3 years from the termination of the contract (for the situation of deliveries and non-intervention of return requests); (ii) the personal data collected are archived / kept by the Company for a period of 3 years and / or the Client has expressed since the date of the last return related to the account.

It is also good to know that we may process personal data to inform you about products and services, promotional offers or to subscribe to the newsletter. As a general rule, this personal data will be processed for direct marketing purposes only with your consent and by using the communication channels (email, sms, etc.) that you indicated at the time of consent. In these conditions it is important to know that we will use your consent as expressed for marketing purposes until its withdrawal, there is the possibility of withdrawing this type of consent at any time.

The TRANSILVAN customer by transmitting personal data, declares and unconditionally accepts that his personal data are part, to be archived in the owner's database, thus expressing an express and unequivocal agreement that his personal data be stored, used and processed according to the purposes specified in point 6.3.

6.5. TRANSILVAN informs you that the processing represents: any operation / set of operations on these data (with or without the use of automated means), respectively collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, dissemination, making available, aligning, combining, restricting, deleting, destroying, etc. (these operations are indicated by way of example in the Regulation, the notion of processing representing any kind of operation in connection with personal data).

6.6. At territorial level, the provisions of the regulation apply to the processing carried out by an operator or proxy based in the EU, to the processing of personal data of persons in the EU, performed by an operator or proxy not established in the EU, if: goods or services are offered to people in the EU or the behavior of people in the EU is monitored.

INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN company is a personal data operator according to the norms and regulations in force, including RGPD.

6.7 The company informs you that in relation to the activity / service chosen by the client, respectively the purpose of collecting personal data, TRANSILVAN may transmit your data to group companies, third parties or authorities to fulfill the purposes based on processing activities. According to the "RGPD" Regulation, we inform you that we may transmit or offer access to certain personal data concerning you to the following categories of recipients:

group companies for order management;

commercial partners for the provision of ordered products / services

courier service providers;

payment/banking service providers

accounting service providers, for keeping accounting records by external proxy;

other companies with which we can develop joint programs for offering our goods and services on the market;

public authorities.

We assure you that von will make every effort to ensure that the proxy and / or third party contractor provides sufficient guarantees to implement adequate technical and organizational measures so that the procedures meet the requirements of legal norms and regulations, including RGDP and ensure the protection of the rights of the data subject ( individual client / member TRANSILVAN).

6.8. The basis for which we process this personal data and manage this data collected may be in relation to the purpose of data processing your consent, given during the creation of the online account and its validation, by requesting to become a customer / member in the TRANSILVAN community. At the same time, the basis is a legal and / or contractual one, based on the contract / commercial relationship that arose between you, the customer and the TRANSILVAN company / companies, by placing the order and making payments for the ordered products, by making returns of non-compliant products. / or refused, etc., but also a legitimate basis necessary and indispensable for the development of the commercial and economic activities of the TRANSILVAN company also provided by the Regulation. We will process your personal data in order to improve and take protective measures, whenever necessary, for the protection of the use of the website and the users of the TRANSILVAN platform against cyber attacks, measures to prevent and detect fraud attempts, including the transmission of information to the competent public authorities, measures to manage various other risks..

6.9 We also want you to be fully informed and understand that you present the Principles established by EU Regulation 679/2016 and the User's Rights regarding personal data.

6.10 The European regulation in the field of personal data protection regulates a number of 6 principles to be observed by the operator (TRANSILVAN company) when processing personal data:

a) the principle of legality, equity (fairness) and transparency. According to this principle, the company must ensure (1) that the processing of data must be carried out only in compliance with legal provisions, any other processing will be considered illegal, (2) that it processes the data only in the ways that the person concerned - would reasonably expect and (3) that the processing must be transparent, ie the operator to convey to the subjects clearly and openly how he intends to use personal data;

b) the principle of limiting the purpose for which the data are collected. Our company respects this principle, obliging itself to collect / process personal data only for the purpose determined and transmitted to the person;

c) the principle of minimizing the processed data. Our company respects this principle by collecting / processing only those data minimum necessary for the performance of operations, adopting rules to ensure that it will not collect unnecessary data in relation to the commercial operation.

d) the principle of accuracy, current data. Our company will collect / process from its customers only accurate and current data.

e) the principle of data retention for a period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which they are processed. Our company respects the principle regulated by the European regulation, archiving / keeping your data only for the period of time necessary to fulfill the purposes.

f) the principle of integrity and confidentiality. Our company has implemented all security measures and has set at the level of its own departments rules aimed at ensuring security against unauthorized and illegal processing and against accidental data loss, destruction or damage.

6.11 The European regulation stated that natural persons (clients / members of TRANSILVAN) enjoy 8 (eight) rights as follows:

a) the right to information (art. 13, art. 14). Please note that in the introductory part of the document "terms and conditions" as well as through this chapter are presented information about: the identity and contact details of the operator and his representative; contact details of the data protection officer; the purpose of the processing and the legal basis; recipients or categories of recipients; information on data transfer to a third country; adequate guarantees; storage period; his rights; the right to file a complaint; possible consequences of data provision; the existence of an automated decision-making process.

b) the right to access (art. 15). The right of access of persons is respected by the Company and concerns the following: confirmation regarding the data processing; access to processed data; providing a copy of personal data, which are subject to processing; obtaining additional information (for a reasonable fee); remote access through a system that allows the data to be viewed by the data subject; checking the identity of the person requesting information.

c) the right to rectification (art. 16, art. 19). The right of access of persons is respected by the Company and concerns: the rectification of indexed data; data completion;

d) the right of erasure (art. 17, art. 19). The company respects the right of cancellation exercised by natural persons only in the conditions in which this right is exercised in a motivated / substantiated manner:

1. reasons: data are no longer needed; withdrawal of consent; opposition; illegal processing; compliance with the provisions of Law 677/2001. Also, by creating the Account, each Member or Client has agreed that INDUSTRY TRANSILVAN to transmit its personal data to the partners of the contractual legal obligation imposed by the law of the European Union or by the internal one; providing services to a child, if the legal conditions are not met;

2. the right cannot be exercised and implicitly respected if the processing is necessary for: the right to free expression and information; compliance with a legal obligation; execution of a task in the public interest; in the field of health; archiving; scientific or historical research; statistical purposes; finding, exercising or defending a right in court.

e) the right to restriction (art. 18, art. 19). The Regulation confers this right on persons and can be exercised as follows:

1. cases: contesting data accuracy; illegal processing; data is no longer needed;

2. the operator can only store the data;

3. any processing of restricted data requires the consent of the data subject;

4. the operator shall communicate to all recipients the rectification, deletion or restriction of the data.

f) the right to portability (art. 20). According to the provisions of the regulation, the Company respects the right of persons to request the porting of their own data, in a simple, easy-to-read format and to transmit them to another operator chosen by the person exercising his right.

g) the right to opposition (to cease the processing activity - art. 21), may be exercised, only for the following purposes: direct marketing; research, scientific, historical, statistical; fulfilling a task in the public interest, exercising public authority; the legitimate interests of the operator or of a third party.

h) the right not to be evaluated by automatic profiling (art. 22), implies:

1. the illicit character of the creation of profiles regardless of the purpose: the evaluation of the capacity and quality of the employees' work; granting scoring - credits;

2. exception: the existence of the person's consent.